How to get started and sell on iHaveit

Follow these really easy steps to start selling

  1. Create an iHaveit Account 
  2. Once logged into iHaveit, add your PayPal details. (top right corner of Profile)
  3. Add your delivery charges (top right corner of Delivery)
  4. Then go to the iHaveit bulk importer and load your inventory file
  5. Click here to see an example xls file template and mandatory import data fields.


If you are a Discogs seller follow these steps

  1. Log into your Discogs page and export your collection to your desktop.   
    Click here to watch a video if you need assistance.
  2. From your Discogs Inventory page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Export CSV". This will enable you to download your Discogs inventory as a .csv file, which you can then bulk load into the iHaveit and eBay
  1. Create an iHaveit account
  2. Once logged into iHaveit, add your PayPal details. (top right corner of Profile)
  3. Add your delivery charges (top right corner of Delivery)
  4. Go to the Import My Collection (Profile top right corner)
  5. Your items will then be listed for sale on iHaveit 
  6. Make sure you update your Discogs file into iHaveit regularly to ensure sold items and added reconcile on both platforms. iHaveit does a comparison and contrasts each time you load a new Discogs file to iHaveit, automatically removing any items sold from the previous file and also adding any new inventory for sale. This ensures there is always a single up-to-date inventory in iHaveit, reducing changes of duplicate sales.


Contact [email protected] if you need any assistance