iHaveit is a Music and Entertainment Marketplace

We Help Stores Grow Sales, connecting over 400 million buyers. iHaveit is a e-commerce platform, growing Record Store sales up to 30% over 60 days

Get started here 

Once you have connected to iHaveit, update your iHaveit profile to start promotions of your inventory.

  1. Create an account or log into iHaveit https://www.ihaveit.io/login
  2. Add your PayPal details so your items can be seen and sold https://www.ihaveit.io/payment
  3. Add your delivery charges so iHaveit increases your sales price to include delivery costs https://www.ihaveit.io/user/delivery
  4. Go to the bulk importer and load your inventory collection https://www.ihaveit.io/user/importCollection
  5. Then email [email protected] to advise you have loaded your inventory, so we can qualify your account for promotions (we cannot promote accounts until we have the email).


You can learn more about iHaveit from our Frequently Asked Questions page


If you need any assistance email [email protected]